Dwight LongeneckerTolkien on Magic, Machines and MordorOne of the stress points of the modern age is the pace and power of technology. Will our knowledge and gadgetry outstrip our ability to…Jun 9Jun 9
Dwight LongeneckerRichard Dawkins: the Archetypal AnglicanAs a former Anglican priest and dedicated Anglophile, I have observed with great interest, Atheist Richard Dawkins’ recent profession of…Apr 5Apr 5
Dwight LongeneckerPerelandra: An Experiment in Imagination, Faith and ReasonPerelandra is the second book of C.S.Lewis’ brilliant science fiction trilogy. Lewis was drawn to the emerging genre of science fiction as…Apr 4Apr 4
Dwight LongeneckerFatalism and Free Will: How Good Friday Changed EverythingI am sure some philosopher much brainier than me has worked this all out, but it occurs to me that before Good Friday the world was…Mar 291Mar 291