When we were kids we’d play a game in the cow pasture. The cows were minding their own business grazing and munching away. Every now and then, in that insouciant way they have, the cows would look up and around while chewing their cud.
So we’d climb the fence and walk quietly into the middle of the field and lay down on our backs. That’s all. We’d just lay there silently. Eventually one of the cows would come wandering over, tail swishing and head swaying. She’d stand there looking at us, and one by one the other cows would plod over until they were all standing in a circle staring at us.
It was cool and scary. Would the cows bite us? Would they trample us? No. They were just curious. They came by to check us out. Eventually when we were bored with the game we’d get up slowly, pat the cows on the head and they’d wander off to continue their grazing.
A dairy farmer once told me that cows are not only curious, they’re careful. He said they graze with discernment. They know how to find the best grass, and if there is a poisonous plant, a nettle or a fruit that will make them sick, they know how to avoid it. If there is something strange in the pasture they’ll check it out, sniff it and if they’re not sure about it they just leave it alone. Sometimes if they’re sick they’ll find certain herbs or eat bark or moss because they contain certain…